Все публикации

Alien Abduction | Humanity Used as Biological Resource by ET Races

Agenda of the ET Intervention, Alien Abduction and Pacification

Alien Abduction | ET Hybrid Race and the Biological Barrier

Connection to Extraterrestrial Life? | The Universal Self (Part Three)

Connection to Extraterrestrial Life? | The Universal Self (Part 2)

Connection to Extraterrestrial Life? | The Universal Self (Part 1)

Alien Conspiracy | Are Aliens Intensifying Our Divisiveness?

Alien Abduction Truth | Our Misperception of ET 'Visitors'

Alien Abduction | Covert Alien Agenda: Can it be Stopped?

Alien Abduction Truth | Humanity's Engagement with Extraterrestrial Life

Space Exploration | Humanity's Destiny in the Universe

Alien Civilisations and the Realities of Space Travel

Alien Abduction Truth | Difficulties and Risks of Space Travel

Alien Abduction Truth | The Alien Presence in Our World

Humanity's Great Threshold | ET Contact & World Evolution

ET Aliens on Earth | They're not here to save us!

ET ALIEN CONTACT: Why it is 'Intrusion' Not Visitation!

ET Alien Contact: Why it is happening now. | The dangers and the opportunities.

Alien Abduction | Humanity Must Resist ET Intruders

Alien Abduction | The Alien Agenda Exposed by Allies Report

Alien Abduction | Spiritual Preparation, Protection and Empowerment.

Alien Abduction | Preparing to Resist ET Intervention

Alien Abduction and ET Intervention - The Greatest Threat to Humanity

Alien Abduction Agenda - Subjugation of Humanity