Все публикации

[DE] Webinar 'KI und ChatGPT: Relevanz für Fertigungsprozesse'

[DE] Webinar 'ChatGPT – für neue Möglichkeiten in der Versicherungsbranche'

Cloud Cost Reduction Whitepaper

Scala 3 Webinar Promo | Scala 3 - the better tool for your job | VirtusLab

Webinar teaser: How relevant is data modeling in modern big data platforms?

Webinar teaser - Productive developer environments: 3 essential features

How to overcome cloud's fundamental challenges - webinar teaser

CodeTale Teaser


Live coding with Scala Metals - contributors intro by Tomek Godzik @VirtusLab

KJUG: 'How to destroy web application security' by Bartek Antoniak

KJUG: 'Where did Docker come from?' by Bartosz Kowalik

ScalaSphere: The biggest holes in Scala tooling and how we can plug them up

ScalaSphere: Debugging in Scala – API, Tooling, and More

ScalaSphere: DRY compiling!

ScalaSphere: The state of sbt 1.0 and sbt server

ScalaSphere: Using Chaos Engineering to Build Resilient Distributed Applications

ScalaSphere: Scala.meta support in IntelliJ IDEA

ScalaSphere: Refactoring with scalafix and scala.meta

ScalaSphere: Semantic Search – A New Foundation for Our Tools?

ScalaSphere: Lightweight data ops and seamless app distribution with coursier

ScalaSphere: Graphpocalypse: indexing scala projects in ENSIME

ScalaSphere: Triplequote Hydra Compiler: a bigger hammer

ScalaSphere: Kentucky Mule or Kamikaze – Attacking Scala compiler performance