Все публикации

Wednesday March 26th, John 5:16:-23, Authority of the Son

Tuesday March 25th, John 5:10-15, Sabbath controversy

Monday March 24th, Jesus heals a lame man, John 5:5-9

Friday March 21st, John 5:1-4, The pool of Bethesda

Thursday March 20th, John 4: 43-54, Healing of the nobleman's son

Wednesday March 19th, John 4:39-42, Many Samaritans believe

Tuesday, March 18th: John 4:31-38, Jesus teaches his disciples

Monday, March 17th: John 4:27-30, The woman tells her neighbors5 minute template

Friday 3/14, The Samaritan woman & Jesus discuss worship

Thursday 3/13: John 4:10-19, living water & sin exposed

Wednesday 3/12: John 4:6b-9: Jesus speaks to the Samaritan woman

Tuesday 3/11: John 4: 5-6a: Jacob's we

Monday 3/10: John 4:1-4: Intro to women at the well narrative

Friday, March 7th, John 3:22-36, ' John the Baptist final testimony about Jesus'

Thursday March 6th, John 3:17-21, 'Sin's condemnation'

Wednesday March 5th, John 3:16, 'God's gift of salvation'

Tuesday March 4th, John 3:14-15

Monday March 3rd: John 3:9-13, 'Rebirth'

Friday 2/28: Nicodemus , John 3:1-8

Thursday 2/27, Weak faith, John 2:23-25

Wednesday 2/26, Jesus speaks of new temple, John 2:18-22

Tuesday 2/25: The temple cleansed, John 2:13-17

Monday 2/24: The miracle of water into wine, John 2:3-12

Friday 2/21, Jesus at a wedding in Cana, John 2:1-2