Все публикации

2nd Year Physics Important Questions for Board Exam

Quality Coaching Academy Swat Fresh ETEA/NMDCAT TEST Schedule

NMDCAT/ETEA MCQs Tricks for Relation between Kinetic energy & Linear Momentum

Electric Potential energy & potential due to a point charge

QCA Coaching Academy swat Fresh crash courses

First year physics class at QCA Coaching Academy Swat

QCA Coaching Academy Fresh Repeter Classes

Transistor and its types|FSc 2nd year Physics

Tips and Tricks for Attempting ETEA Medical Entry test

Projectile motion|First year Physics

Constructive and Destructive interference!

What is a Big Bang theory? Urdu Version

Indicating Uncertainty | First Year Physics | urdu / Hindi

Precision and Accuracy

Chp#7 Oscillation numerical problems

Application of Bernoulli's equation Torcelli's theorem

Equation of Continuity ( in English)


Bernoulli's equation in Pashto

What is impulse ?

Linear momentum

Newton's Second Law of motion

Newton's first law of motion

Newton's third law of motion