Все публикации

Jan 2025 Succulents Box subscription unboxing #succulents #subscription #unboxing

How to care for different varieties of Snake Plants #snakeplant #sansevieria #snakeplantcare

Choose your plant #houseplants #plants #indoorplants #plantlover

Which houseplants should use Epsom salt occasionally #houseplants #plantcare #epsomsalt

Propagation battle: Which one will propagate first? #succulents #propagation #propagate

Which plants you should grow on moss pole #houseplants #mosspole #plantcare #indoorplants

How to care for Fittonia Nerve Plant #fittonia #plantcare #plants #houseplants

How to stop killing your Alocasia #alocasia #houseplants #plants #plantcare

Do this if your Philodendron is acting up #philodendron #houseplants #hydroponics #plantcare

Prune some succulents with us #succulents #succulentcare #pruning

What to do when your plant is root bound #houseplants #plants #plantcare #rootbound

Best tips | How to care for Echeveria Blue Rose

Thirsty monstera vs hydrated monstera #houseplants #monstera #plants #plantcare

Epsom salt water to make your houseplants healthy #plants #plantcare #epsomsalt #planthack

Bottom watering timelapse - How long does it take for a dehydrated plant to recover? #houseplants

Why is air flow important to houseplants #plants #houseplants #plantcare #indoorplants

Best tips | How to care for Tephrocactus Geometricus

POV If it makes you happy, why not #plants #houseplant #indoorplants

Make a semi-hydroponics centerpiece with us #houseplants #plants #hydroponics #centerpieces

How to tell if your houseplant is suitable for semi-hydroponic growing #plants #hydroponics

Best tips | How to care for Haworthia African Pearl

Let's check if our plants need watering #plants #houseplants #plantcare #watering #wateringplants

Why is this cactus so expensive? #cactus #cacti #rareplants #plants #rarecactus

The only way to propagate Snake Plant and keep their variegation #snakeplant #propagation #plants