Все публикации

How long should you wait for your bottom watering plants #houseplants #plants #wateringplants

If you're tired of waiting for your cutting to callus, do this #houseplants #propagation #plants

How to care for succulents in the fall #succulents #succulentcare #fall #autumn #plants

Change the water with us #plants #propagation #houseplants #indoorplants

Is this the easiest way to propagate houseplants #plants #indoorplants #propagation #houseplants

Plant recs for lazy plant parents #plants #indoorplants #garden #houseplants #plantparent

Is this the cutest water bowl ever? #succulent #succulents #waterbowl #succulentarrangement

Plant a Pothos bowl with us #plants #indoorplants #pothos #houseplants #pothosplant

The sound of succulent propagation #succulents #propagation

Upcycle bottle as planter #upcycle #diy #recycle #planter #plants #indoorplants

How to keep your Fiddle Leaf lush & shiny #plants #indoorplants #houseplants #fiddleleaffig

Succulents Box Sep 2024 - Succulent Subscription Unboxing #succulents #subscription #unboxing

Succulents that could survive a winter outdoors #succulents #winter #succulent #plants

The lazy way to propagate Pothos #pothos #pothosplant #propagation #plants #houseplants

Find hidden plant bulbs with us #plants #bulb #indoorplants #plantpropagation

How to recycle your soil #houseplants #soil #plants #recycle #plantcare

How to treat common houseplants pests #houseplants #pestcontrol #pest #plantcare #indoorplants

10 easiest succulents to propagate #propagation #succulents #propagate #succulent

How often should you water your String of Hearts? #stringofhearts #succulents #houseplants #plants

How to cut back and root a tall cactus #cactus #cacti #propagation

How many succulents do you need to fill a 7-in planter? #succulent #succulentarrangement

The secret language of String of Hearts leaves #stringofhearts #plants #houseplants #indoorplants

Lazy plant hack #plants #houseplants #planthacks #watering #wateringplants #plantcare

Why there's no split in your Monstera leaf #monstera #houseplants #monsteraplant #leaves