Все публикации

PeppermintOS Welcome App & Peppermint Hub

Official Upgrade Method - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS to 24.04 LTS

Install Peppermint (Debian) Mini ISO w/ KDE DE+MSDOS Partitions+Separate Home Partition+Swap+EXT4 FS

Quick Look at Mageia Control Center - Boot

Quick Look at Mageia Control Center - Security

Install Peppermint Devuan ISO with XFCE Desktop with MSDOS Partitions+Swap to File+XFS+SysVinit

Quick Look at Mageia Control Center - Network Sharing

Install PeppermintOS Debian Based XFCE Desktop.

Introduction to PeppermintOS

One Click Install of MauiShell Desktop in OpenMandriva

Quick Look at OpenMandriva OM Control Center App - Hardware

Quick Look at OpenMandriva OM Control Center App - Networks & System

Rhino Linux needs more Improvement - Buggy Upgrades and Linux Kernels Fail to Install

Quick Look at OpenMandriva OM Control Center App - Security

Use Suse Prime(prime-select terminal command) to Change Default Graphics Card

Quick Look at OpenMandriva OM Control Center App - Software

Installation and Auto Configuration of Suse Prime(for Prime-Select) in OpenSuse Tumbleweed

Linux Mint 21.3 to Linux Mint 22 Upgrade was almost Successful

Official Upgrade Method - Linux Mint 21.3 to Linux Mint 22

Quick Look at POP OS 24.04 LTS with Cosmic Desktop - Alpha 1

Quick Look at OpenMandriva OM Welcome App - Features & Configure

Quick Look at Openmandriva Lx 5 LXQT Desktop

Install Envycontrol in EndeavourOS

Quick Look at Fedora Jam Applications and Low Latency System Tweaks