Все публикации

Taurgovis un koniki savvaļas ganībās ZIEMA (3.no 5) / WINTER, natural grazing in Kemeri NP

Taurgovis un koniki savvaļas ganībās, RUDENS (2.no 5) / AUTUMN, natural grazing in Kemeri NP

Taurgovis un koniki savvaļas ganībās, VASARA (1.no 5) / SUMMER, natural grazing in Kemeri NP

Dabīgās noganīšanas seminārs Portugālē / Natural Grazing Workshop in Portugal

Vilki, ērgļi u.c. ziemas ganībās / Wolves, eagles and other on winter pastures. Within the Erasmus+

Vilki atpūtā vēro zirgus / Wolves watching horses at rest. Created with the support of the Erasmus+

Ķemeru aļņi kad upītes izžuvušas / Moose (Alces alces) - Created with the support of the Erasmus+

Taurgovis Lielupes palieņu pļavās / Aurochs in floodplain meadows, Ķemeri NP - Erasmus+ proj.

Pirms-Jāņu jandāliņš - Vilki teļam krāgā / Wolves attack a calf - support of the Erasmus+

Mazās upītes patīk visiem - Skudrupīte/ Everyone likes small rivers. Support of the Erasmus+

Putni mazajās upītēs / Birds in small rivers. Created with the support of the Erasmus+

Zirgam Vilks pie kājas / Habituation of wild horses to wolves. Created with support of the Erasmus+

Lūsis Ķemeru NP pavasarī / Lynx (Lynx lynx) of Ķemeri NP. Created with the support of the Erasmus+

Zirgi savvaļā, pavasaris'2023. Horses in springtime. Created with the support of the Erasmus+

Taurgovis un meža zirgi ziemas izskaņā / Aurochs and wild horses, winter. Created with the Erasmus+

Medības Dunduru pļavu medību liegumā / Hunting in NP. Created with the support of the Erasmus+

Lapsēna Pifas bērniba / Childhood scenes of Pifa the Fox. Created with the support of the Erasmus+

Jūras ērgļi (Haliaeetus albicilla) ziemā. White-tailed eagle, winter feed.Supported by the Erasmus+

Griffon Volture (Gyps fulvus) in Ķemeri National Park. Created with the support of the Erasmus+

Müritz National Park 2010 (3.of 3)

Müritz National Park 2010 (2.of 3)

Müritz National Park 2010 (1.of 3)

Šīs vasaras novērojumi (1), - taku kameras / This summer's observations (1), Ķemeri NP trail cameras

Vilki līdzās zirgiem un taurgovīm / Wolves alongside horses and tauros