Все публикации

Yongxin Yao - Hands-on Training with DFT + Gutzwiller Approximation and qsGW + Gutzwiller

Andrey Kutepov - Hands-on Training with the FlapwMBPT Code, Session 2

Nicola Lanata - Introduction to the theory of the Gutzwiller Approximation and RISB

Sangkook Choi + Corey Melnick - Hands-on DFT+DMFT, qsGW+DMFT, and Continuous Time Monte Carlo

Sangkook Choi + Corey Melnick - Introduction to DFT+DMFT, qsGW+DMFT, and Continuous Time Monte Carlo

Andrey Kutepov and Vincent Sacksteder: Hands-on Training with the FlapwMBPT Code, Session 1

Andrey Kutepov - Introduction to the FlapwMBPT Electronic Structure Code

Gabi Kotliar - Intro to Dynamical Mean Field Theory and Electronic Structure of Correlated Materials