Все публикации

Webinar - Analysis of Predator Free Wellington data from Miramar Peninsula

Webinar: Tag loss integration into mark-recapture modelling - a simple example

Summary - Design advice for species occurrence studies: Darryl's 5 top tips

Webinar: Design advice for species occurrence studies - Darryl’s 5 top tips.

Control charts for monitoring changes in ecological populations

Interpreting effect sizes in Poisson regression (or when using a log-link function)

Model selection tip - identifying pretender variables

Why I don't use AUC to assess model fit.

What model should be used for a 'nuisance' parameter?

How to calculate standard errors for logistic regression/logit link using the delta method.

COVID-19 and occupancy modelling

From COVID-19 to animal abundance - how raw counts can be misleading

Maximum likelihood estimation for occupancy models - what is it, and some tips for getting it right!

An advantage of occupancy modelling.

How to avoid disappointing research results?

Occupancy models - how many covariates can I include?

Occupancy modelling - how to define a model with a trend in occupancy in PRESENCE

Multi-scale occupancy model - data format for PRESENCE

Interpreting the effects of 2 continuous covariates, and their interaction

Comments on presence-only data for species distribution modelling

Occupancy modelling - sampling tips

Occupancy modelling - tips on including covariates in Program PRESENCE

Occupancy modelling - home range vs grid cell size

How to calculate odds ratios from logistic regression coefficients