Все публикации

Spider-Man screams in terror

This is why I keep PS5 trophy recordings

This Weathervane Has Accurate Directions | Assassin's Creed Unity

Rare Lightning Strike in Assassin's Creed Unity

Miranda: 'Am I still a part of your plan?' | Mass Effect 3

Shepard Risks His Life for Miranda | Mass Effect 2

Shepard: 'They don't fear us.' | Mass Effect 3

Garrus: 'I almost feel sorry for the Reapers.' | Mass Effect 2

Legion: 'You are more like us than we thought.' | Mass Effect 2

Grunt: 'If you kill the most dangerous thing in the galaxy, that leaves...us.' | Mass Effect 2

Joker: 'It's never over.' | Mass Effect 2

They're coming. | Mass Effect 2

Shepard: 'Harbinger is coming, and he won't be alone.' | Mass Effect 2

Harbinger: 'You've changed nothing.' | Mass Effect 2

Shepard: 'I won't let fear compromise who I am.' | Mass Effect 2

Shepard: 'IT ENDS HERE.' | Mass Effect 2

Miranda: 'I settle for nothing but the best.' | Mass Effect 2

Shepard: 'If we survive this, you two can tear each other apart.' | Mass Effect 2

Miranda: 'Don't die. You promise me!' | Mass Effect 2

Miranda: 'Cautious, Commander Shepard, but interested...very interested.' | Mass Effect 2

Miranda: 'I'm going to miss you.' | Mass Effect 2

Niket: 'I've been poor, Miri. I didn't much care for it.' | Mass Effect 2

Miranda: 'I wasn't the first one he made, I was only the first one he kept.' | Mass Effect 2

Miranda: 'You were great before we rebuilt you, I'm great because of it.' | Mass Effect 2