Все публикации

Dark Energy - How to observe the invisible

The Many Worlds Around Other Stars

The intriguing lives of galaxies without dark matter

Imaging Exoplanets with the World's Largest Telescopes

We Are Stardust: The Story of Cosmic Alchemy

Observing Exoplanets with the James Webb Space Telescope

Galactic Archaeology: Using Stars to Map the Structure and Evolution of the Milky Way

The Golden Era of Time Domain Astrophysics: New Explosions and their Origins

La Noche de las Estrellas lecture by Dr. Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz

La Noche de las Estrellas Lecture by Dr. Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz

New Science and Technology at Lick Observatory

Breve Historia Del Observatorio Lick

Searching for dark matter with JWST and Keck

Probing Heavy Element Formation in the Early Universe with Metal-Poor Stars in the Milky Way

The First Year of Exoplanet Discoveries with the James Webb Space Telescope

(Re)discovering the Distant Universe with the James Webb Space Telescope

Searching for Life Beyond the Earth

Measuring the Beginning of Time from the Bottom of the World

On the Verge of a Big Leap in Cosmology

The Interstellar Medium in the Infrared

Sunglasses, Viking Navigation, and Astronomy with Polarimetry

NASA's Newest Space Telescope and the Exoplanet Atmospheres Revolution

HamCam2 Meteor

How to weigh the Universe in 3 easy steps