Все публикации

Finger splicing of baler belt with aramid scrim fabric and Multiface and final dynamic test

Repair of Solid Woven Belts with Multiface Self Extinguishing and Anti-Static (FRAS)

Reparaciones varias de cintas transportadoras con Multiface

Crack repair with an elastic aramid fabric and Multiface 1.5 on a baler belt with final dynamic test

Conveyor belt repair: long rip, side rip, belt edge, holes and surface damages

Coating hinge fasteners for conveyor belts with Multiface 1 5

Preparation of conveyor belt samples to be repaired with Multiface 1.5

Coating of a idler roller with Multiface 40 extra hard and Multiface 40 extra hard as putty material

Small test with Multiface 40 extra hard as putty material with 95 Shore (D)

Stainless steel coated with Multiface 40 extra hard

Tire repair with Multiface 1.5 - Little trial test

Spray coating of Multiface 50 Shore A in double cartridge with a manual caulking gun

Belt repair, belt splicing, pulley lagging and surface coating with Multiface

Bonding test of polyethylene with Multiface and final shear tests

Adhesion strength test - Bonding Ceramic to Rubber with Multiface 5 hard

Step Splicing of a Sliding Belt with Multiface and a Waterbag Vulcanizing Press

Stufenverbindung von einem Gleitgurt mit Multiface und einer Waterbag-Vulkanisierpresse

Jonctionnement de bande pour sol de glissement avec Multiface et une presse à vulcaniser Waterbag

Ремонт трещин на конвейерной ленте при дожде и +9°C с помощью Multiface 1.5

Riparazione su un nastro trasportatore sotto la pioggia e a +9°C con Multiface 1.5

Reparación de grietas en una cinta transportadora bajo la lluvia y a +9°C con Multiface 1.5

Réparation de bande transporteuse sous la pluie et +9°C avec Multiface 1.5

Горячая стыковка с помощью Multiface 5 и вулканизационного пресса и проведение испытания на растяжен

Protection coating with Multiface 40 TTXVH85D on metal plates with an airless spraying gun