Все публикации

Live from Barcelona - Dzogchen & Mahamudra Teachings (Day 3)

Live from Barcelona - Dzogchen & Mahamudra Teachings (Day 2)

Recording of Live from Barcelona - Dzogchen & Mahamudra Teachings (Day 1)

Live from Amsterdam - Refuge, Bodhicitta & Emptiness (Part 4)

Live from Amsterdam - Refuge, Bodhicitta & Emptiness (Part 3)

Live from Amsterdam - Refuge, Bodhicitta & Emptiness (Part 2)

Live from Amsterdam - Refuge, Bodhicitta & Emptiness (Part 1)

Live from Kansas City - Introduction to Dzogchen (Part 3)

Live from Kansas City - Introduction to Dzogchen (Part 2)

Live From Kansas City - Introduction to Dzogchen

Live from Knoxville - Dzogchen Weekend With Assorted Texts (Part 3)

Live from Knoxville - Dzogchen Weekend With Assorted Texts (Part 2)

Live from Knoxville - Dzogchen Weekend With Assorted Texts (Part 1)

The Three Words of Garab Dorje - Day Two (Morning)

The Three Words of Garab Dorje - Day One

Tantra Weekend in New Orleans - Guru Rinpoche

Tantra Weekend in New Orleans - Green Tara

Tantra Weekend in New Orleans - Vajrasattva

Four Turning Minds - Impermanence

Pointing Out Instructions (Live from Tso Pema - Part 2)

Pointing Out Instructions (Live from Tso Pema - Part 1)

The Heart Sutra (Live from the Holy Caves of Padmasambhava)

Q & A with Lama Lena & H.E. Chokyong Palga Rinpoche

Q&A With Lama Lena