Все публикации

Plasma Activated Water for Sustainable Agriculture

Chrysoloras Winery - Winery establishment and farm modernisation

OROMINERVA – Investments in agro food processing

Bonita - Introducing a new resistant club variety of apples in Slovenia

Kiek moal in! Agricultural businesses introduce themselves

IT_Elena & Enrica

GR_ Red cow beef


Carbon farming upscaling at EU level

Carbon farming practices and benefits

TIA pilot action Patrycja Artymowska Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy Poland

European Committee of Regions study on TIA Roland Gaugitsch OIR:Austrian Institute for Regional Stud

The EU Rural Revitalisation Platform – Thematic Group insights

Enabling factors for rural revitalisation – Thematic Group insights

Upcoming Rural Networking Activities, Margarida Ambar, EIP-AGRI Support Facility

The role of the CAP in promoting carbon farming, Nicola di Virgilio, DG AGRI

Supporting the design of the rural revitalisation platform, Sara Bianchi, SSPA Spain

Setting the scope for the Rural Revitalisation Platform, Alexia Rouby, DG AGRI

Supporting the rural revitalisation platform, Juha Matti Markkola, National Rural Network, Finland

Examples of carbon farming: Agroforestry, Dr Ernst Kürsten, 3N Kompetenzzentrum

Examples of carbon farming: Practices on mineral arable soils, Marjon Krol, ZLTO

What is carbon farming and why it is important?, Valeria Forlin, DG CLIMA

Sustainability agreements under EU competition law, Marin Bankov, DG COMP

Making LEADER's principles work in Italy - Filippo Chiozzotto, National Rural Network, Italy