Все публикации

AWS EC2 calculator is SCARY. Here is how I 'FIXED' it.

Check DNS Records Using dig CLI

Where to use Amazon DynamoDB | The NoSQL vs SQL dilemma

Add Custom domains to EC2 using Route 53 DNS A Record

Explain Cloud Like I'm 5

Launching Your First EC2

How to send messages with Telegram bot (Hands-on)

Serverless - You are doing it WRONG!

I made my Lambda go faster - Go AWS Lambda Tutorial

I almost got scammed by the biggest Auth provider

AWS Serverless Grocery Store Project in DynamoDB

No one has ever done this 🤯 Get AWS bill from your iPhone

A Software Developer's Studio Tour

Forms are dead. Long lived GitHub issues.

How to configure AWS CLI | Windows, Linux & Mac tutorial

Unboxing The New #MacBook

Intro to AWS - Free Zoom Session Recording

Master AWS by Building Your Dream Project in 2023

Astro CLI is the Best

AWS S3 CLI tutorial - 5 Commands to Make You a Pro!

How to install NodeJS of any version in 1 Minute

Generate Thumbnails with ReactJS & AWS Lambda

How to Contribute in Hacktoberfest & Open Source w/ AWS

Mind-blowing Figlet Fonts to try for Free 🤯