Все публикации

Wargaming Final Exam Spring Semester 2022 at the US Naval Academy

Fact vs Science Fiction in Navy Museums

Seapower Scuttlebutt: A Discussion of Seapower, Strategy, and History

Vietnam Veterans War Commemoration

Panel 7G Podcasting Naval History

Panel 7B Canadian Naval Experience

Panel 6D The Challenges of Operating at a Distance, 1750–1815

Panel 7D Britannia Rules the Waves Britain’s Influence as a Maritime Power After the Great War

Panel 7C Air, Sea, and Ice Technology of the U S Coast Guard

Panel 6F The Impact of the Washington Naval Treaty upon a Non Signatory Power Germany Das Deuts

Panel 5H Piracy in the Spanish American Empire

Panel 7F The History of Naval Medicine

Panel 6G Ships, Steel, and Munitions New Research on the British, American, and Canadian Defense

Panel 6B Early U S Naval Aviation

Panel 7A Seapower by Other Means Naval Contributions to National Objectives Beyond Sea Control an

Panel 6E Transformation of the US Navy in the Late Nineteenth Century

Panel 4D Admiral Richard K Turner and the War in the Pacific, 1940 1942

Panel 5C Material Culture of the US Coast Guard

Panel 6A The Bear Swims Soviet Amphibious Operations in the Great Patriotic War and Beyond

Panel 5F Classical Naval History

Panel 6C Naval Aspects of Peruvian Independence, 1821

Panel 5B Building Navies in the Cold War

Panel 3D War Games, History & the Development of Modern Naval Strategy & Tactics

Panel 5G Illuminating Overlooked Naval History from World War I