Все публикации

Stress as a breeding stimulus

The repair of a parrot egg.

suplementos para aves

Supplements for birds

Worming or medicating soft billed birds

My opinion on inbreeding

Use of mineral block or grit-- which is better?

The use of red palm oil as part of the diet for parrots

Enriquecimiento en Espanol

Enrichment in English

Pellets for feeding parrots

Pellet size

Food storage

Red factor Sun-cheek Conure

Moon-cheek Green-cheeked Conure

Red-factor Pineapple Green-cheeked Conure

Cage design

What to do when you first remove a chick from the nest.

Hatching White-bellied Caique

Nest type for Australian parrots (Rosellas, Kings, Barnardius)

Nidos para pericos Australianos, incluyendo Rosellas y Alisterus

Nest for Blue crowned (Thectocercus) and Green Conures (Psittacara sp.)

Nidos para psitácidos

Inducing conures to nest