Все публикации

A Christmas Carol, Stave Five (Audiobook)

A Christmas Carol, Stave Two (Audiobook)

A Christmas Carol--Summary and Discussion

Great Lessons from Literature Intro

“Remember, remember the 5th of November”

Music in Shakespeare's Tempest and Midsummer Night's Dream

Shakespeare's 'You Spotted Snakes' (Titania's Lullaby) Song analysis

Shakespeare's 'Honor, riches, marriage-blessing' song analysis

Shakespeare's 'Flout 'em and scout 'em' song analysis

Shakespeare's 'The master, the swabber, the boatswain and I' song analysis

Shakespeare's 'No more dams I'll make for fish' song analysis

Shakespeare's 'Where the bee sucks' song analysis

Shakespeare's 'While you here do snoring lie' song analysis

Shakespeare's 'Come unto these yellow sands' song analysis

Shakespeare's 'Full Fathom Five' song analysis

Frankenstein, episode 12: Chapter 24 and final letters

Frankenstein, episode 11: Chapters 21-23

Frankenstein, episode 10: Chapters 18-20

Excerpt from St Crispin’s Day Speech (23rd day of Poetry Month) #Shakespearesbirthday

Henry V Saint Crispin’s Day Speech (Shakespeare’s birthday 2024)

“A Sonnet from the Psalms” by Christina Rossetti (22nd day of Poetry Month) #nationalpoetrymonth

“Out of the Deep” by Christina Rossetti (21st day of Poetry Month) #nationalpoetrymonth

“A Study: A Soul” by Christina Rossetti (20th day of Poetry Month) #nationalpoetrymonth

“In progress” by Christina Rossetti (19th day of Poetry Month) #nationalpoetrymonth