Все публикации

Bewirb dich jetzt für die neue Staffel THE VOICE OF SWITZERLAND

Home-Office Typen by Remo I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

Die Talents beweisen Geschmack I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

Diego Daniele - Wrecking Ball I Final I The Voice of Switzerland

Axel Marena - Want To Want Me I Final I The Voice of Switzerland

Musikalisches Markenzeichen der Talents I The Voice of Switzerland

'LIP READING CHALLENGE' mit Giuseppe und Katja I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

Lyric Challenge mit Desirée und Remo I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

BEST OF BLIND AUDITIONS I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

Verbunden in schwierigen Zeiten - Danke yallo! I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

DAS GROSSE FINALE am 06. April I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

Meo vs. Marina - More Than Words I Battles I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

Alexandra Papadopoulos – Set Fire To The Rain | Sing Offs | The Voice of Switzerland

Giuseppe Audino – Ganz, ganz easy (Despacito) | Sing Offs | The Voice of Switzerland

Urs vs. Marcel - Every Breath You Take I Battles I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

Desirée vs. Remo - Say You Won't Let Go I Battles I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

Meo Dalgiç – The A-Team | Sing Offs | The Voice of Switzerland

Fabienne vs. Christoph - You Are The Reason I Battles I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

Vincenzo Polito – Adesso Tu | Sing Offs | The Voice of Switzerland

Alexandra vs. Morena - Flashlight I Battles I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

Remo Forrer – Someone You Loved | Sing Offs | The Voice of Switzerland

Katja vs. Giuseppe - Us Mänsch I Battles I The Voice of Switzerland 2020

Urs 'The Dude' – Hemmige | Sing Offs | The Voice of Switzerland

Omar vs. Vincenzo - Più Bella Cosa I Battles I The Voice of Switzerland 2020