Все публикации

Blazor Progressive Web Apps. Part 1 - The Basics.

Blazor Media Queries

.NET 8 Blazor Rendering

.NET 8 - HTTP Files

.NET 8 FakeTimeProvider

.NET 8 Testing Times

.NET 8 Keyed Dependency Injection

C# 12 Collection Expressions and the Spread Operator

C# 12 Primary Constructors

Entity Framework Core 8 SQL Injection Attacks

ASP.NET Minimal API and Swagger

ASP.NET Minimal API Structure

ASP.NET Minimal API Performance

Blazor and JWT Refresh Tokens

ASP.NET and JWT Refresh Tokens

Angular Logout

Angular HTTP Interceptors

Authentication Part 2 - Passing JSON Web Tokens

Authentication Part 1 - Individual User Accounts

More Swagger

Swagger Versioning

WebAPI Versioning

ASP.NET Integration Testing

ASP.NET and Swagger