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Java 8 program find the employee data by department wise, and salary greater 25k with grade Grade A

Write a Java 8 program to find the words starting with Vowels using Stream API

What is Class loader Subsystem in java? Can you implement your own Class Loader in Java?

What are the SOLID Principles in java? Explain about the with examples and Advantages?

Write a program to read the CSV data using Java 8 Stream API and group it by ID and covert into JSON

1. What are the top Features of Java | Features of Java Programming

Find the employees younger or equal to 30 years and older than 30 years using Java8 Stream API?

Write a java program to find Most work experience employee in the Organization using Stream API?

Write a java program to find the Youngest Employee in the Organization ?

Write a java program to find Same salary Employees in Organization using Java 8 Stream API?

Write a java program to find the average salary of each department using java 8 Stream API?

Write a Java program to find the Highest paid Employee in each Department using Java 8 Stream API?

Write a Java program to count the employees in each department of by using Java 8 Stream API?

Write a Java program to get names of all employees who have joined Before 2014 using Stream API?

Write a Java program to get the highest paid employee in the organization Using Stream API?

Write a Java 8 Program to find the average age of male and female employees?

Write a Java 8 Program to Print the name of all departments in the organization?

Write a java 8 program to count the male and female employees of the organization?

Write a program to find the first non repeated character from given String using Java 8 Stream API?

Write a program to find the first repeated character in the String using Java 8 Stream API

Write a program to find the words starting with numbers using java 8 Stream API.

Write a program to find the given String is palindrome or not using Java 8 Stream API.

Write a Java program to find the Duplicate Characters of String using Java 8 Stream API.

write a program to Reverse an integer array using java8 streams API?