Все публикации

Common Application Architecture Types Explained #Shorts

Which one to use: ISO 8601 or UNIX format for date and time? #Shorts

How does CSS :is() pseudo-selector work?

Under the hood of Slack’s real-time messaging at scale

Node.js 'Event Emitters' Explained

This is how you protect your backend from a Retry Storm

How are software teams organized in large companies?

How to avoid the 'Noisy Neighbor' problem in your software architecture?

Can an 'Anti-Corruption Layer' save your bad software architecture?

Node.js Security Best Practices #2: non-root user, payload size limiting, auth limits

The Secret Weapon Behind Resilient Distributed Systems

Here's why you need Nginx as a Reverse Proxy for your Node.js app

The Broken Senior-Only Developer Market

Node.js Security Best Practices: JWT blacklisting, rate limiting, schema validation

How to make your application scalable?

What the hell is JavaScript's Intl API?

Idempotency in APIs: you should be aware of this!

How to use a Circuit Breaker to make your API more resilient?

New JavaScript 'groupBy' feature is finally here!

6 tips for improving Node.js performance #Shorts

Retry Mechanisms and Patterns in Microservices #Shorts

Node.js Project Structure and Architecture Best Practices

How does eBay utilize Contract Testing for their Microservices?

Code Quality and “Work that Frustrates” #Shorts