Все публикации

New Hustler Suspects He's Getting Hustled! Philly Ray vs Ryan The Raptor

New Hustler Launches Bruce Lee Attack On Strong Philly! Philly Ray vs Dan The Mouth

RIP JC! You Will Be Missed!

New Hustler's Confidence STUNS Trash Talker AND Makes Crowd Go Wild! Boston Mike vs Big Bilf

Sneaky Disguised Mate Setup Makes His Jaw Drop! The Great Carlini vs Tazz Man

Cobra's Venomous HAM Attack Makes Trash Talker Sweat! The Great Carlini vs Cobra Chris

1st Time Ever Epic Finish Of Its Kind Makes Crowd Go Wild! Eric The Emperor vs Daring Darshil

16 Year Old's Sicilian Hyper Accelerated Dragon Makes Him Sweat! Ryan The Raptor vs Chloe

Can't Believe He Accepts Trash Talker's King's Gambit Without Hesitation! Mango vs The Great Carlini

Strong Indian Hustler Throws Kitchen Sink At Master! Daring Darshil vs NM Bryan

2 Risky Fierce Attackers! 1 Clutch Counterattacking Finish! Philly Ray vs Tazz Man

Master Shocked By New Strong Indian Hustler's Game! NM Byran The Butcher vs Daring Darshil

New Strong Indian Hustler vs 2200 Online Rated Expert! Apex Archer vs Daring Darshil

18 Year Old's 1000+ Rating Boost Shocks Trash Talker! Apex Archer vs Boston Mike

Filthy Stone Cold Rook Sac STUNS Trash Talker! Papa C vs The Great Carlini

2450 Online Rated Ice Cold Beast Plays Fire With Clock! Maxxed Out vs Martin The Matador

Crazy Double Edged Attack w/ Rook Sac Ends With Brutal Mate! Papa C vs Martin The Matador

16 Year Old Girl's Genius Rook Sac STUNS Philly Hustler! Philly Ray vs Chloe

16 Year Old Expert's Risky Roasting Attack Makes Him Wary! Turbo Taja vs Big Ruthless Rick

Tough Trash Talker RAGES At His Confidence! Boston Mike vs The Great Carlini

If He Survives This, It'll Be A Crazy Miracle! Philly Ray vs Cobra Chris

Confident Cobra Enters The Shark Tank! Cobra Chris vs Jeff The Shark

Dynamite Attack Leads To Epic Bucket List Mate! Jeff The Shark vs Hippie Rob

Super Tense Turbo Endgame Will Leave You Breathless! Turbo Taja vs Archer Ari