Все публикации

Timer: 3 minutes countdown with music

Mois de l'année months of the year song

Meses del año Spanish months of the year song

Grand ours brun song learning resource for Ours Brun book

Some favourite Language Learning Quotes

Spanish days of the week song - los días de la semana

Karaoke Spanish Greetings Song with help, the fun '¿Comó te llamas?' song

Karaoke with help of a French Greetings song, the 'Comment t'appelles-tu?' song

Karaoke (Instrumental only) Comment t'appelles-tu?' French Greetings song (extended version)

Los números 1-10 Spanish numbers 1 to 10

Las frutas Fruit Song in Spanish

Spanish Greetings Karaoke version (Instrumental only)

Spanish Greetings Song

Les crêpes - How to make French pancakes!

Where will languages take you?

Ma famille My family song in French with English words

Petit Papa Noël song in French

La famille en français The family in French

Halloween en français Halloween in French

Comment t'appelles-tu song (extended version)

Ma famille song - My family song in French

Comment t'appelles-tu song (shorter version)

Les mois Months of the year in French

Les numéros 1 à 100 French numbers 1 to 100