Все публикации

Building API Products that Customers and Your Organization Love

Amplify the best part of you: STAGE Communication Workshop #16

Behind-the-scene of Volunteering for 2x Christmas at Swiss Red Cross // VLOG #3

Going to APIDays Paris // VLOG #2

Blockers and Catalysts of Digital Transformation Teaser

Learning the Art of Filmmaking // VLOG #1

API is more than the interface to an application.

What is Digital Transformation, Digitalization, and Digitization?

10 Learnings about Career, Life, and Growth

One Year of Cardistry - Compilation

Magic Card Trick Love Story

How to Riffle Shuffle with Bridge like a Pro for Beginners

Elevator Pitch with Magic Card Trick

Magic Hand Out of Business Card from Phone

Ribbon Spread Tutorial für Anfänger

So übergibst Du Visitenkarten mit Zaubertrick