Все публикации

Can you fall from grace by keeping the 10 Commands?

Isaiah 24- Transgressors will perish.

Let it rain!

How can we build the Kingdom (The Royal Law!!)

Who are you worshipping?

Whoa to the Apostate Church!

Why be in the dark?

Can’t you tell what time it is?

Who is Messiah & what did He come to do?

Who are the Wise & Who are the Foolish

OOH JUDAH! Why follow the errors of your fathers?

Where is the pattern of Dark then Light? A day beings at Dawn

Yeshua is the SON OF YAH! A perfect reflection of the Father.

Can’t feast in a profane land and ignore many of the instructions.

The Will of Yahova

Mad about politics instead of being lied to about your salvation? #church #christian #Christmas

Ezekiel 18: Choose Life or Death #Bible #Torah #Church #Repent #Christian

Glad Tidings #Torah #church # Christian # Bible

The Right and The Left Blunders #church #bible #torah #christian #repent

When does the Sabbath (New Day) Start. #torah #bible #christian #repent

We don’t need the Old Testament? #church #jesus #christians #mary

The law of sin and death #christian #church #oncesavedalwayssaved #savedbygrace

#christian #church God hates sin

2 Peter #Catholic #christian #torah #hebrewroots #oncesavedalwayssaved