Все публикации

Focusing the Force: A Conversation with General David Allvin, Chief of Staff of the Air Force

One Year after Camp David: How Durable Are Trilateral Ties?

@NikkiHaley: '#Israel is fighting America's enemies.' #shorts

Hudson's Rebeccah Heinrichs highlights how President Trump deterred America's adversaries. #shorts

Our defense industrial base has a problem. Is North Korea really outbuilding us? #AoD #MichaelDoran

Speaker Mike Johnson: The China-led axis that aims to take down the US. #shorts

Ambassador Bagger argues that Europe can only be secure if it unites to oppose Russia. #shorts

We need Biden to want #Ukraine to win this war more than he just hopes that #Russia might lose it.

@NikkiHaley: Xi Jinping will keep supporting US enemies because it undermines America. #shorts

Aircraft carriers have become too big to fail, and it's a strategic mistake. #AoD #podcast

While Israel aims for the total defeat of Hamas, Biden seeks a negotiated end to the war. #shorts

How can America win in this new cold war against #China? #shorts

🚨 We have a national security EMERGENCY🚨 The US industrial base is not ready. #AoD #ShieldAI

We are excited to have Nikki Haley join the Hudson team! #shorts

We continue to champion a strong #Japan and the importance of the US-Japan alliance. #cherryblossom

Pompeo: 'The best solution for the people of #Gaza is the core elimination of Hamas.' #shorts

Israelis cannot live with a nuclear #Iran that openly calls for the obliteration of its country.

Rebeccah Heinrichs explores the implications of a Russian #nuclear weapon in orbit. #shorts

Hong Kong activist Frances Hui on Xi's sinicization of religion.

This week Hudson was honored to meet with President Tsai to discuss advancing US-Taiwan relations.

Hudson's Nate Sibley explores how the West can seize Russian assets to support #Ukraine. #shorts

H.R. McMaster: Iran's aggression against #Israel cannot go unchecked. #shorts

Senator Joni Ernst addressed Hamas's use of sexual violence against helpless men and women. #shorts

Team Biden cannot allow US troops to be 'sitting ducks' in the Middle East. #shorts