Все публикации

Main method not found in class Multi_thread,please define the main method as #java #javaprogramming

TypeError at /account/login/login() missing 1 required positional argument: 'user' #python #django

CSRF verification failed, Request aborted in Django |CSRF verification failed. Request aborted

MySQL said Cannot connect invalid settings error | XAMPP phymyadmin #code #phpmyadmin

Access blocked: This app's request is invalid. | Google login error redirect_uri_mismatch || #php

A failure occurred while executing |Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata

Android Studio|Error runnig 'app'|error runnig app|no target device found #androidstudio #android

A failure occurred while executing |Execution failed for task ':app:checkDebugAarMetadata

swap to number using 3rd variable in c || swap number in c|| #vkcoding#CINVKCODING#video4

print 1 to 100 in c || make program to print 1 to 100 ||#vkcoding #coding #code

Find Factorial Number in C || C Coding || language shorts #coding#vkcoding#ytshort

how to make hello world program in c first program in c language ||video #100 #clanguage

factorial program in c#cprogramming #cprograms#clanguage

create content box in hl and css#ytshorts #short #shorts

loader in css|html in loader A|HTML and CSS loader#shorts #short#ytshorts

to convert given day to years,weeks,day in| c day convertar in c #c #code

to check given number is odd or even in c| odd or even program in c #c#c program

leap year program in c|how to make leap year program in c #c #coding

swap to number without 3rd variable| swap number in c#code#c#programming #program

swap to number using 3rd variable in c | swap number in c#c #code #programming #program

html,css and css heart❤️❤️❤️❤️ #shorts #shorts #ytshorts

jumping box in html css and js #shorts #ytshorts #short

html css and js heart 💓💓#shorts #ytshorts #conding

analog clock |analog clock in html, css and javascript|#html #css #js