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Ɛ p = 1 to n Ɛ m = p to n C(n m) C(m p) = 665, find n; JEE (Advanced & Mains) ; @EAG

Which of the following expressions are rational expressions @EAG

Log[log root 7 of root 7 of root 7)] ; NDA/NA previous year problem @EAG

Derivative of e^(Sin-¹x) #derivatives of exponential inverse trigonometric functions

y = log (x² + x + 2 / x² – x + 2) , find dy/dx @EAG

An Infinite G.P has the1st term x & the sum is 5,then which one of d following is correct @EAG

y = (Sin x)² (Sin-¹ x)² , find dy/dx @EAG

y = log[ Sin-¹ (e^x) ], find dy/dx @EAG

y = 1 – Cos 2x / 1 + Cos 2x , find dy/dx @EAG

(3x² + 6xy) dx + (3x² + 3y²) dy ; Exact Differential Equation @EliteAcademyIndia-EAI

y = Sin^m x Cos^n x , find dy/dx @EAG

y = Sin mx Cos nx , find dy/dx @EAG

y = log(tan 5x) , find dy/dx @EAG

y = Sin h -¹(3x/4) , find dy/dx @EAG

Polynomial equation with roots 2 ± root 3, 1 ± 2i @EAG

y = tan-¹(log x) , find dy/dx @EAG

y = tan(e^x) , find dy/dx @Elite Academy Guntur

y = Sin-¹(Cos x) , find dy/dx @EAG

Find the polynomial equation with roots 1, –1, 3 @EAG

y = x tan-¹ x , find dy/dx @EAG

ɛ (2k – 1)² = n(2n – 1)(2n + 1) / 3 ; Mathematical Induction @EAG

1 + 2 + 3 + ..... + n = n(n + 1) / 2 ; Mathematical Induction @EAG

1³ + 2³ + 3³ + ..... + n³ = n²(n + 1)² / 4 ; Mathematical Induction @EAG

Find the polynomial equation of lowest degree with roots : 1 ± 2i , 4, 2 @EAG