Все публикации

What is Merge Sort and How to sort numbers using Merge Sort Part-1

How Quick Sort algorithm works internally | How to write a C program to perform Quick Sort Part-2

What is Quick Sort and How it works | What is Divide and Conquer technique Part-1

What is Data Structure - Diagrametic representation of Data Structure and their applications Part-2

What is Data Structure - Classification of Data Structure and types of Data Structure Part-1

Write a shell script to Rename Copy and delete file using switch statement Part-36

Write a shell script to Rename Copy and delete file using else if ladder Part-35

How to write a Shell script to determine which file is newer or older Part-34

Shell script to count the number of lines in a file Part-33

How to write a shell script to reverse every digit of a number Part-32

Shell script to make the sum of every digit of a number using Linux Part-31

Shell script to make the count of every digit of a number Part-30

Shell script to count number of directories and files under present working directory Part-29

What is the purpose of developing effective documentation in system development in OOSD Part-18

What are the guidelines for finding use cases in OOSD Part-17

How to write Unix shell program to convert binary number into decimal Part-28

How to write Unix shell program to convert decimal into binary equivalent Part-27

What is Use Case driven Object Oriented System Analysis in OOSD | What is use case in OOAD Part-16

What is Business Object Model in OOAD | What is System Requirement Analysis process in OOSAD Part-15

Unix shell program to check entered number is a palindrome number or not Part-26

Unix shell program to print Fibonacci sequence Part-15

Unix shell program to find the factorial of a number Part-24

Unix shell program to check entered number is an Armstrong number or not Part-23

Unix shell program to print single and multiple multiplication table Part-22