Все публикации

Poor Man’s Leg Extension

Deficit Pushup

Overhead Lateral Raise

Plate Pinch

Dumbbell Pinch

GV2 - Week 4

GV2 Week 3

GV2 - W2

GV2 Structure

2+2 GV2

Conditional Progressions: How to advance training based on performance

Training Effectively as You Age

The Power of Progression

The Burp

The Harbinger Military Fitness Assessment - Event 6 - The Pull up

The Harbinger Military Fitness Assessment - Event 4 - The Shuttle Run

The Harbinger Military Fitness Assessment - Event 3 - The Bench Press

The Harbinger Military Fitness Assessment - Event 2 - The Lunge

The Harbinger Military Fitness Assessment - Event 1 - Hip to Overhead

What is Atomic Athlete?

Slayer Lunge

Psoas Soft Tissue

Wall Sit