Все публикации

Asenbaum Group

Aspelmeyer Group

Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI Vienna)

WOLFGANG WIELAND: Quantum Geometry of the Light Cone

FLAVIO DEL SANTO: Towards a measurement theory in QFT

PAULA BELZIG: The limits of enhancing communication rates with entanglement

PESCI: About the possibility of gravitational emission from the recombination of a delocalized mass

CHRISTOPH LEHNER: The Prehistory of Entanglement: Schrödinger and the Development of the EPR Paradox

SIMONE RIJAVEC: Testing the robustness of the Page-Wootters construction

ULF LEONHARDT: Casimir cosmology

HENRIQUE GOMES: Einstein's lesser-known 'blunder'

NICOLE YUNGER HALPERN: The value of lacking complexity in quantum computation

PHILIP GOYAL: Persistence and Reidentification in Systems of Identical Quantum Particles

IANNIS KOMINIS: Quantum Sensing in Biology


PETER VAN: Holographic fluids; A thermodynamic road to quantum physics

MATTEO FADEL: Testing quantum mechanics with 16-microgram Schrödinger cat states

Talk by PETER VAN: Holographic fluids; A thermodynamic road to quantum physics

PHILIPP BERGHOFER: On the Relationship between Reconstructing and Interpreting Quantum Mechanics

MARTIN PLAVALA: General probabilistic theories in phase space

Talk by MATTEO SCANDI: Quantum Fisher Information and its dynamical nature

MATTEO SCANDI: Quantum Fisher Information and its dynamical nature (ed)

CHRISTOPH LEHNER: Realism, Intuitiveness, and the Scandal of Entanglement

DAVID SNOKE: Onset of coherence in nonequilibrium condensates