Все публикации

Monte Carlo methods in C++

Generating random numbers in C++

Lecture 17 - Bisection method & self-consistent iteration method: root finding in C++

Lecture 16 - Templates and numerical methods in C++

Lecture 15 - Templates in C++

Lecture 14 - Object Oriented Programming in C++

Lecture 13 - Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations in C++

Lecture 12 - Ordinary differential equations - Modified Euler and RK4 methods in C++

Lecture 11 - Ordinary differential equations - Euler method in C++

Lecture 10 - File input and output in C++

Lecture 9 - Strings and text in C++

Lecture 8 - References in C++

Lecture 7 - Vectors in C++

Lecture 6 - Overloaded functions, recursive functions, global and local variables in C++

Lecture 5 - Functions and modular programming in C++

Lecture 4 - FOR, WHILE, and DO WHILE loops in C++

Lecture 3 - Flow control and conditionals in C++: If, else if, else

Lecture 2 - Data types and operators in C++

Lecture 20 - Monte Carlo methods

Lecture 19 - Histograms in Mathematica

Lecture 18 - Random variables and probabilities in Mathematica

Lecture 17 - Solving Partial Differential Equations in Mathematica

Lecture 16 - The numerical method of lines

Lecture 14 - Implicit methods for ODEs (Hermite integration) in Mathematica