Все публикации

Crafting Wholeness - Erasmus+ exchange of good practices

The Path to Adulthood - Erasmus+ training course

11. Conclusions on the soulcentric mentoring course

10. Mentoring through soul poetry

9. Mentoring through nature - the art of wandering

8. The map of inner resources - a mentoring tool

7. Mirroring people - celebrating the uniqueness of people

6. The art of asking questions - mentoring with supportive curiosity

5. Deep listening - a fundamental mentoring skill

4. Mentoring principles - how to create the mentoring space

3. The need for mentors

2. A Mayan story of mentoring and guidance

1. Introduction to the 'Soulcentric mentoring' course

Facilitating Women and Men Circles - why and how to do this work

The Art of Women and Men Circles – Erasmus+ training

Empowered Together - Erasmus+ training in Poland

SOUL – the craft of soulcentric development - Erasmus+ training in Romania

Society (change)making - Erasmus+ training in Poland

A Journey into SOIL: Erasmus+ training in Ireland

Deep Connections - Erasmus+ training course

Bob Yiannis: I will miss the good times with you

Mentoring - basic elements of guiding people

The Soulcentric Developmental Wheel

Earth Mentors - Erasmus+ training course