Все публикации

Ultramarker and Speech Recognition

Automation of a Computer Networking Laboratory

Assessment of Network Security in Higher Education

Multi-platform Assessment Automation Application for Practical Outcomes in Computer Networking

Using Ultramarker to assess compliance of cyber security standards

Networking Lab

Networking Lab - how to patch PCs through to routers and switches

Overview of Netlab configuration

Automation of a Computer Networking Laboratory

Demonstration of the features of Remote Configuration Console

Developing a GUI in Visual Studio that uses Powershell scripts

Cisco PacketTracer network simulator demo

GNS3 - Graphical Network Simulator Demo

Serverconsole Explanation

PowerShell LabScripts

Serverconsole - network laboratory automation - how it works

AIS on the Internet

Ultramarker Sessions and sub-criteria

Ultramarker - Criteria and sub-criteria

Ultramarker Generate Rubric

Ultramarker - setting up an assessment

Ultramarker latest how to example

Ultramarker assessment application - demonstration using case study

Configure an IPSec VPN using the Cisco Command Line Interface