Все публикации


Dance by dhyana

28 May 2024

Virat kohli ODI century against each opponent

Upsets in Cricket World cup History

#18 Algorithm for Find out Maximum number from given Three Numbers | PPS | ALL branch | B.E |Diploma

#17 Algorithm to check given Number is Even or Odd

#16 Algorithm : Find out Maximum number from Given two Numbers | Diploma | B.E | ALL branches

#15 Algorithm for Average of given Three no's | PPS | diploma | B.E | B.Tech | All Branches..

#14 Algorithm : find area of rectangle , circle, Triangle

#13 introduction an Algorithm | what is an Algorithm | PPS | Diploma | B.E | B.Tech

#9 Flowchart of Print 'hello world ' N times | B.E | Diploma | B.Tech | ALL University.

#12 Flowchart of Find Factorial of Given Number | Diploma | B.E | B.tech | for ALL University |

#11 Flowchart of Sum of N integer Numbers | Diploma | B.E | B.tech students | ALL University

#10 Flowchart of Print 1 to N integer Numbers | Diploma | B.E | B.Tech Students | ALL university

#8 Draw Flowchart of Find out Maximum number from Given three numbers | PPS | GTU 1st-2nd Sem

#7 draw a flowchart for find out minimum number from given two numbers | PPS | GTU | 1st-2nd Sem

#6 Draw Flowchart for find out given year is Leap year or not. | PPS |1st Sem | 2nd Sem

#5 Draw flowchart for find out given number is even or odd | PPS | CPU |

#4 Draw a Flowchart for find out Maximum number from Given two Numbers | PPS | CPU | 1-2 Sem

#3 Draw a flowchart for find Average of given three numbers | PPS | CPU | Flowchart

#2 flowchart example (find out area of Circle | Rectangle | Triangle )

#1 Flowchart and Algorithm Introduction (PPS/CPU subject)

How to Set/Change IP address in windows 7/10/11..