Все публикации

#injuries #of #eye

#COPD# chronic obstructive pulmonary disease #sign and symptoms of copd #and also treatment

#what is pneumonia#sign and symptoms of pneumonia #and also treatment

#what is laryngitis #and sign and symptoms of laryngitis #and treatment

#what is bronchitis #chest cold#causes#sign and symptoms #and treatment

#what is micro organisms #and types of micro organisms #bacteria #fungi #and viruses

#general knowledge #related to madical

#medical salutation #pharmacology

#discovers #and discover of different types of drug and medicine

#what is efficacy #and what is potency#pharmacology

#what is adrenergic drug #pharmacology

#what is viscosity #and what is ionization

#anti anginal drug #causes #and types of angina #pharmacology

#what is RH blood group system #with example

#blood group #and types of blood group

#difference between drug and medicine #pharmacology

#difference between hypermia and congestion #pathology

#shorts #classification of disease #pathology

#what is syphilis#causes of syphilis #prevention and treatment

#what is measles disease #causes #clinical features #and prevention

#what is gonorrhea disease #pathological state #and clinical features #and also prevention

#what is parasite

#what is poliomyelitis #poloi disease #causes of polio#and sign and symptoms #and also treatment

#difference between amoebic dysentery #and bacillary dysentery