Все публикации

Successive Differentiation 1

PG/S2/Paper8:Analy.DynamicsAndGravitation4(Potential ofA Thin Uniform/InfiniteRod at External Point)

PG/S2/Paper8:AnalyDynamicsAndGravitation5(Attra/Pot ofa thin unif circ disc at a point on its axis)

PG/S2/Paper8:AnalyDynamiAndGravitation7(Attr/PoteOfASolidSphere, Pote ofA ThinUniformSphericalShell)

PG/S2/Paper8:AnalDynaAndGravitation6(Attraction of a Thin Uniform Spherical Shell)

PG/S2/Paper8: AnalyticalDynamics and Gravitation1(Newton's Law, Components of Attraction, Potential)

PG/S2/Paper5: Funda. of CS 13 (Signed/Unsigned Numbers, one's complement, Examples)

PG/S2/Paper5: Funda. of CS 16 (EBCDIC, ASCII Codes, Types of Primary Memory)

PG/S2/Paper5: Funda. of CS 12 (Binary Subtraction, Division, Examples)

PG/S2/Paper5: Funda. of CS 9 (Conversions of Numbers, Decimal to Binary, etc.)

PG/S2/Paper5:Funda. of CS 11 (Binary Addition, Multiplication, Examples)

PG/S2/Paper5: Funda. of CS 14 (Two's Complements, Examples, Binary Subtraction, Smaller from Larger)

PG/S2/Paper5: Funda. of CS 10 (Binary Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction)

PG/S2/Paper5: Funda. of CS 15 (BinarySubtraction, Larger from smaller, Positive from Negative)

PG/S2/Paper5: Funda. of CS 8 (Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal, Octal Systems, and Conversions)

PG/S2/Paper8: Analy.Dynamics andGravitation 2(Attraction of a Thin Uniform Rod at an External Point)

PG/S2/Paper8: Analy. Dynamics and Gravitation3 (Corollary 1,2, Example)

PG/S2/Paper5: Fundamental of Computer Science7 (Some More Examples on Conversion)

UG/S6/DSE4: Mechanics 21 (Common Catenary2-Some Examples)

UG/S6/DSE4: Mechanics 17 (Virtual Work2-Theorems, Omission of the Forces)

PG/S4/Paper14: OR 11 (NLPP with more than one Inequality constraint, Example)

UG/S6/DSE4: Mechanics 18 (VirtualWork3-Some Examples)

UG/S6/DSE4: Mechanics 20 (CommonCatenary1-Definitions, Theorems)

UG/S6/DSE4: Mechanics 22(Stable and Unstable Equilibrium-Definitions)