Все публикации

Integrate Rust into Java for Fun and Profits

The Borrow Checker Limitations in Rust and Substratre Security Explained

Mastering Ethereum's 24Kbyte Smart Contract Limit: Simplified Solutions for Large-Scale Dapps

Webassembly: Performance Comparison Analysis between Wasmer and WASMTime

learn move in 10 minutes

Flashbots in Rust to Protect Agains the MEV Attacks on Blockchain!

How to Minimize the Size of a Rust Binary in 10 Minutes!

Security Analysis on Ocaml

Learn How to Fuzz Your Rust Code in 10 Minutes

Fuzzing Solidity Smart Contracts!

Android Malware Analysis Part3 - Ghidra and Malware Reverse Engineering

Android Malware Analysis Part 2 - APKtool APK Decompilation

Getting started with Android Malware Analysis Part1 - Installations

Solana Audit (Rust): Missing Ownership Check

Solidity timelock Final

Detecting Race Condition Issue in Golang!

Make Your Own Blockchain in Cosmos SDK

How to Write a Pyteal Smart Contract for Algorand in Only 7 Minutes!

ABI Encoding In Solidity

Make Your Blockchain in Rust (part1)

How to audit Rust code in 4 minutes!

Make secure upgradable smart contract in Solidity

How to Debug Solidity Contracts Hardhat

Making a HelloWorld Dapp on Internet Computer (DFINITY) in Rust