Все публикации

Sample Space, Types of sample space in Probability theory & stochastic Processing (PTSP)/B.Tech/ECE

Omniscience, Learning, Autonomy in Artificial Intelligence Course

Definition of Artificial Intelligence

History of Artificial Intelligence

Active reinforcement learning agent/Greedy agent/GLIE scheme/Exploration/Q-function in reinforcement

Temporal Difference reinforcement learning agent/passive reinforcement learning/artificial intellige

Active reinforcement learning agent in Reinforcement learning

DIP-3: A Simple image Formulation Model/Digital Image Processing/Chapter-1 / B.Tech students/ECE

DIP-2: Fundamental Steps in Digital Image Processing/Digital Image processing for B.Tech students

Reinforcement learning- passive Reinforcement learning, Direct utility estimation, ADP, Temporal D

Passive Reinforcement learning - Direct Utility Estimation, Adaptive Dynamic Programming, Temporal d

Lecture-1: Digital Image Processing unit-1/Definition of Digital image/three types of processing

Adaptive Dynamic Programming in Passive reinforcement learning/Artificial intelligence

Direct utility estimation in passive reinforcement learning/ Reinforcement learning/ unit 5-3

Passive Reinforcement learning/ Reinforcement learning/ unit 5/ Artificial Intelligence

Unit-5 Passive Reinforcement Learning agent/Reinforcement learning-2/Artificial Intelligence

Unit 5: Introduction of Reinforcement Learning -1

Policy Iteration algorithm for finding optimal policy in artificial intelligence

Value iteration algorithm for calculating optimal policy in Artificial Intelligene

Partially observable Markov Decision Process/POMDPs/ in artificial intelligence

Optimality in sequential decision problem in artificial Intelligence

Optimal policy for 4X3 world in sequential decision problem in Artificial Intelligence

Value iteration algorithm in Artificial Intelligence

additive reward and discounted reward for utility of state sequence in Artificial Intelligence