Все публикации

Lect02# Fluid Mechanic ii #Mcq type questions #Continuity Equation # Euler's Equation # Streamline

lecture 01#Fluid Mechanic's # MCQ question #Msc level#Bs level# Semester wise#

Gauss Elimination method #bsc Course #msc #method #Leading entries #leading zeros #solve #

Linear Programing Problem#Solve LPP#linear Program Problem#method of LPP#operational #bsc #msc #

Find PDE of c-z^2 =(x-a)^2 + (y-b)^2. Elimination of Arbitrary constant and function.

Formation of PDEs.Methods of Formation of PDEs . Elimination of arbitrary constant and function.

Find PDE of all sphere's whose centers lies on the z axis.

Find PDE of all Planes with equal x and y intercepts.x/a + y/b +z/c =1

solve dx/y^2z = Dy/x^2z = dz/y^2z. by grouping method.

MCQ Questions.Ch#01 Fluid and their Properties.Viscosity, Viscous.Fluid dynamic, Fluid Mechanics.

Hungrian Method. Assignment Method.Related Question's

Explain Lagrangian Method of Fluid particles.

Least Corner Method related questions.Operational Research chapter 01.

Newton law of viscosity.Define viscosity . Difference between viscous and viscosity.

Define Stress, Temperature, Density, Specific Weight.Explain Physical Properties of Fluid.Relation T

Define Hydrostatic pressure.Physical Properties of Fluid.Expain Hydrostatic Pressure.

Definition of Units and dimensions.Define SI Explain Unit and dimensions in Physics.

Definition of Flow.Flow and it's type.Types of Flow.Laminar,Turbulant, uniform,Ideal and Real flow..

Definition of Fluid and types of Fluid.Explain Fluid and it's type .BS&MS level course.Real,ideal

introduction of Fluid mechanics.Define Fluid Mechanics.Types of Fluid Mechanics.Categories Fluid Mec

North West Corner Method, Explain NorthWestCorner Method Steps,Algorithm Operation Research lect#02

Definition of Operation Research, History of Operation Research, Explain Operational Research Lec#01