Все публикации

Gatineau Park, Quebec, Canada

Snow fall in Windsor, Ontario

Highly Precise Timer - MAX II CPLD - Verilog HDL

RC5 Decoder with Altera FPGA (VHDL) - DE1-SoC

ST7735S pic32mx250f128B interfacing and USB mass storage image reader


Raspberry Pi Home Automation - Raspbian Linux - Web interface

Windows Universal App on Raspberry Pi (Windows IoT Raspberry Pi Automation) - Part 3

Android App (Windows IoT Raspberry Pi Automation) - Part 2

WinIoT (Windows IoT Raspberry Pi Automation) - Part 1

Triac Light Intensity Control (Windows IoT Raspberry pi)

Auto scan - (Windows IoT Raspberry Pi Automation) - Part 5

Slave's LED Indication (Windows IoT Raspberry Pi Automation) - Part 6

FPGA Image Processing (noise removal)


Altera's Cyclone IV VGA Generator.

nRF24L01+ RF Module (wireless) PIC interface

Ultrasonic distance meter - PIC and HC-SR04

Temperature and Light Intensity Measurement - PIC Microcontroller

PIC24FJ (USB Host) USB Keyboard Interfacing and Wireless XBEE

Relay board controlled from smart phone using Raspberry Pi (Simple Home Automation) : DIY

Windows Phone (wp) Application controls Raspberry Pi GPIO - web control (no tutorial)

PIC18LF13K50 Nokia 6100 Colour LCD Interface : DIY

Circular Polarizer (CPL)