Все публикации

Grade Your Docker Images with Docker Scout Health Scores

Filter ripgrep's Results When You Don't Have a Git Repo

Show Trailing Whitespace in Markdown Files with vim-better-whitespace

Using Curl to Create a Telnet Connection

Check If a String Contains a Substring in Bash

Display the Search Count in Vim's Status Bar

What Was the First Docker Captain's Summit Like?

Docker Tip #98: Nested Variable Interpolation with Docker Compose v2

Creating Dynamic Variables in Bash

The Butterfly Effect of Having a Technical Blog for 9+ Years

Randomly Order Lines on the Command Line with sort or shuf

Doing Calculations on the Command Line with bc and Your Script Shell

Mount Secure Build-Time Secrets with Docker and Docker Compose

Setting Up the Password Store (Pass) App to Work with Android 13+

clear vs CTRL + L in Your Shell

It's OK to Sleep

Output, Assign, Pipe and Redirect a Heredoc in a Shell Script

120+ Skills I Use in an SRE / Platform / DevOps Developer Position

Setting Up a TCP Listener and Connecting to It with Netcat

Connect to a Service Running on Your Docker Host from a Container

My Origin Story with Docker and Why I'm Using It 10 Years Later

Git Diff 2 Different Commits, Tags or Branches

Docker Tip #97: Save and Load Docker Images from a Zip File

Create Read-Only AKA Immutable Variables in Bash