Все публикации

Intergalactic Stars, Sun Switching Poles, A Second Sun | Q&A 264

Objects Falling Into The Sun, Hubble 2 from Space Force, Slowest Speed in the Universe | Q&A 263

Coldest Place in The Universe, Most Distant Solar System Object, Best Use for Starship | Q&A 261

IFT-4 and the Future of Starship: All You Need to Know (with @scottmanley and @MarcusHouse )

HUGE Starship Success // Far Side Moon Samples // Hubble In Trouble

Leaping Robot for Lunar Lava Tubes

New GIANT Space Telescope Proposal // ExoVenus Found // China's Space Aquarium

Planet 9 Updates // Vera Rubin Mirror // New SpaceX EVA Suit

Messaging The Aliens, Moving the Earth, Shapes of Coronagraphs | Q&A 258

Artemis III in Jeopardy // Giant Lava Lake on Io // Voyager-1 Fixed

ISS Debris Hit A Florida House // Crisis for Mars Sample Return // Closest Black Hole

Chandra in Danger // Mystery of Supernova 1987a // JWST Exomoons Update with@CoolWorldsLab

NASA Set Its Spaceship on Fire. Here's Why

Getting Samples From Enceladus Is Harder Than You Think

Furious Boiling of Betelgeuse // Robot-Surgeon on the ISS // Biggest Black Holes Ever Seen

Big JWST Breakthrough // Moon Success VS Failure // Three New Moons

How Should We Handle Space Weapons?

USA’s Crazy Moon Landing // Problems for Perseverance // New Glenn Goes Vertical

Discovery of The Decade for Dwarf Planets? Eris and Makemake Geothermal Activity

Major Space Water Breakthrough // Moon Mission Launch // New EHT Image

Asteroid Strike Probabilities, Propulsion Breakthrough, Methane on Mars | Q&A 247

NASA in Trouble // More Impossible Galaxies from JWST // Final Goodbye to Ingenuity

Exomoons. Can JWST Help Find Them? (feat. Dr David Kipping @CoolWorldsLab)

Venus Could Harbour Non-Water Based Life