Все публикации

How convolutions in the path integral lead to the Schrodinger equation

Heuristic Derivation of Path Integrals from Classical Field Theory (including Schwinger Principle)

Reynolds transport theorem: derivatives of time-dependent volume integrals

Gauss Curvature and proof of Gauss Theorema Egregium

Normal curvature and principal curvatures (surfaces in 3 dimensions)

Gradient in spherical coordinates (derivation using concepts of tensor calculus and linear algebra)

Derivation of the strain tensor in spherical coordinates

Fourier series expansion for thin plates

Physics of thin plates derived from the variational principle (bending and twisting moments, etc)

Classical Theory of Thin Plates derived from the Action Principle

Minimal surfaces in calculus of variations

Markowitz Model for risk minimization in a financial portfolio

Derivation of the strain tensor in the theory of elasticity

Black Scholes equation: mathematical derivation

Interesting Fourier series in 2 dimensions

Geodesics on surfaces of revolution

Maupertuis principle derived from the more general action principle

Poisson brackets and analogies with Quantum Mechanics

Calculation of Inverse Laplace Transform using residues

Lorentz transformations and the Invariant Element in Special Relativity (Mathematical Derivation)

Intro to the Laplace Transform from the Fourier Transform

differential equation with Dirac delta and boundary conditions

Problem on multiple convolutions, Fourier Transforms, Distributions (edited)

Faddeev Popov Ghost and Path Integrals