Все публикации

Polarization of light

Twisting couple per unit twist of a cylindrical wire

Moment of Inertia of a solid sphere

Moment of Inertia of a solid cylinder

Moment of Inertia of a circular disc

Young's Double Slit Experiment | Interference of light | Optics

Analytical Treatment of Interference of light | Optics

Interference of light | Principle of Superposition of waves | Optics

Newton Raphson Method | Root Approximation | Numerical Methods

Wavefront | Types of Wavefronts | Huygen's Principle | Optics

Achromatism in lenses | Condition for Achromatism for system of lenses | Achromatic Doublet

Spherical Aberration in lenses and mirrors | Minimisation of Spherical Aberration | Optics

Aberration in Images | Chromatic Aberration and its types | Expression for chromatic Aberration

System matrix for a system of two thin lenses separated by a distance

System matrix for a thick lens and thin lens

Straight line fitting using group average method

Straight line fitting using least square method : Sample problem

Straight line fitting using least square method

Imaging by a coaxial optical system

Imaging by a spherical refracting surface

Reflection at a single spherical surface

Refraction at a single spherical surface

Eigen vector and eigen value determined using Power Method

Eigen values problem (matrix)