Все публикации

Converting Fraction to Decimal

Math in Daily Life


Netiquette in an Online Classroom Setting

Overtime Pay

Creating a Graph to Present the Data Using MS-Excel

Taxable and Non taxable Income

Problems Involving Gross and Net Earnings

Salary, Wage, Income, Benefits, Gross and Net Earnings

Computing for Gross Earning on Piece Rate Basis

Solving Problems Involving Interest and Commission

Commission on Cash Basis and Instalment Basis

Down Payment, Gross Balance and Current Increased Balance

The Three Types of Commission

Single Trade Discount and Discount Series

Mark Up Mark On and Mark Down

What can u say about the quality of these five videos?

The Three Types of Proportion

Ratio and Proportion

VAT Challenge

Solving Problems Involving Fraction, Decimal and Percent

Operations on Decimals

Operations on Fractions

Making Arts with Fraction, Decimal and Percent