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raw flight Jan 15 2024
Rando Stream with new Kitty & Can't sleep so SIM time
2 paramotors with uav over a small airport.
2cam test
0702 Screamers on Mob6 1s
❄Smolyeet 3 Snow Day❄
Smolyeet3 on Gemfan 3016-3
quick flight
Runcam Hybrid, Taycan
Hero8 on Taycan.
Smolyeet3, heavy build.
June 21, 2021
4 Packs on the Bubble Gum Glide shortened edit
4 Pack's on the Bubble Gum Glide.
RVS Smolyeet3 evening flight 3.31.21
Taycan v1.1flight 2.3.21
1st pack 1.14.2021 Diatone Taycan v1.1 with mod's
taycan v1.1 3rd pack
taycan v1.1 pack 2
taycan v1.1
taycan v1.1
didn't look that dark