Все публикации

Number plate recognition using python || number plate recognition using python || python project

qr code scanner using python | qr code scanner using opencv

text from image python | how to convert image to editable text

face recognition attendance system using python | face recognition python

python speech recognition | google speechrecognition

text to speech python // text to speech conversion

number plate detection using opencv python // number plate detection using deep learning

Real time face detection(project 3) computer vision

face detection in video(project 2) using python and opencv

Error caching_sha2 _password python & mysql database connectivity

1.Face Detection using python(project 1) computer vision image processing python

1. Real life project list for beginner using python & opencv

16. Edge detection (Canny edge detection) using python

15. image blur image filter image noise reduction image processing

14. Image thresholding image processing

Jarvis Iron man voice assistance for pc 2020

13. image rotation & translation image processing

12. object detection(part 4) detect multiple object on a image image processing

11. object detection(part-3) draw circle on detected object image processing

10. object detection (part-2) lower & upper pixel vaule of any color image processing

9. Object detection(part 1) color object detection image processing

8. Grayscale HSV image conversion image processing

7. Border on image image processing | opencv

6. conversion of image into B,G,R channel image processing